Come to think of it, the way things sound is one of the least noticed features people seem to consider when buying things. That would explain the swishy overcoats, flappy flip-flops, squeaky bags... Perhaps the most noticed (and popular) is the clicking high heels, on which many people actually have strong opinions, negative and positive. Where am I going with all that?... Anyway, the good news is that my bag is not only soft and to my liking, but it is also very quiet. A stealth bag! hurrah!
I used this lovely tutorial to make it - thanks Myam!

I also made something I 've been wanting to put together for a while. Our bathroom has little (read: none) shelf space, and there are all these things that one uses every day. The cabinet behind the mirror is already full, so lots of things had been hanging on travel pouches, which are very useful but had become an eyesore.

It is just a long base with pouches, using some of the fabrics I find most cheerful. It should help with cheering me up during those difficult moments of pre-coffee mornings ;-)

It hangs by a loop, which also acts as fastening with a button at the back. I also left some space at the top for sliding a hair pin to keep it flat, and it works great.
I also bought some nice fabric squares, and planning to play with them after this, so stay tuned!