One would be the colleague's baby's lace sock. I had to cast on 36 stiches and do a picot edge on a tiny size cuff, something that turned out quite difficult if you try to pick up the cast-on stiches. I have never tried it on an adult sock, but I believe it would work. So I did a provisional cast-on, and am hoping that joining the two ends will be faster. Although the entire process would require only (5+1+6r) x 36st = 432 stitches in all, I didn't manage to do it all in one go. Kitties got hungry and I had to serve the princesses, so I am still curious which way will work better for me.
The second sock is what was on the needles for my subway knitting, which hasn't been progressing as fast because most mornings I ride standing, and it's not always easy to knit under such conditions. In fact, whenever I did it, I got some nasty looks from other standing riders nearby - as if it bothers them that I have something to do that makes my standing commute less uncomfortable than theirs... Or they might just be afraid I 'll poke them if the train stops suddenly...
This pair of socks will be thereafter known as "Whisky's socks" due to the fact that most of my time while knitting it has been during my agonising attempts to find a home for Whisky, a kitty my neighbours decided to abandon upon moving out. In fact, I knit much of the final parts on the way to and from the vet, and while waiting for her to be taken in (tests, spaying, shots... poor thing!). The yarn is a kind of pumpkin-colour, and Whisky is ginger, so it fits perfectly. I think I will have enough yarn to make another pair of the same colour, which I am planning to give to one of L's colleagues, who has been an amazing help throughout the whole ordeal. She had absolutely no reason to spend any time and effort for a cat she has never met, and I am grateful for her incredibly generous help and support. And as I can think of no better way to offer tangible thanks to people than a pair of hand-made socks, there will soon be 2 pairs of Whisky's socks. Go Team Whisky!
For the time being Whisky is recovering in a private room right next to my study room. She looks like she 'll be fine, but quite out of it for the time being. We also have a good lead on finding a good shelter for her (no-kill, clean, with plenty of volunteers to play with her, space and play area, and good record of finding homes for cats). Our 3-week attempts to find her a home through our connections and their connections have failed, and I had no other option unless I wanted to serve 4 princesses. Which I couldn't, as I already have trouble to find time to devote to my 3 spoiled ones. Whisky is extremely adorable, though, so I have high hopes for her.

Isn't she worth it?
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