Thursday, November 29, 2007

Still here

I tried, I really did try to disappear off the surface of the earth (through snorkeling), but here I am again. I was away for the whole last week, and it was lots of fun, I got lots of rest, took tons of pictures and even did some knitting. But since I came back, it's been mostly work and coming home late, and making up with the kitties who have been quite mad at me for abandoning them for so long. And trying to get everything in order. So that I can focus on the final stretch and make everyone all the presents I have thought through and decided on.

Unfortunately, one of the effects of 'getting everything in order' is that I made vey busy plans for the entire Saturday, so no crafting for yet another day. Sunday better be a productive one. Why does creativity thrive around the 11th hour?

I think I have mentioned before how I don't like downloading photos into my computer through wires. So the over 500 (unsorted) photos from the Caribbean will have to wait a bit longer before they join their friends in iPhoto. Until then, Seven suggested I post a parting photo of her royal cuteness.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Knitting & chocolate

My brother was visiting over the weekend, and came bearing gifts!

The little guy next to the chocolate Santa is his helper, according to the Dutch tradition. I 'm almost reluctant to eat him up!

There was also quite a lot of knitting. I made a hat to match the flap-top mittens I made last winter.

The yarn is Chaco worsted weight on 4.5mm circular needles for both. I used the pattern from Handknit Holidays for the mittens, but I changed the way the flap is attached, and added a buttonhole opening on each thumb, so it can also stick out when necessary. Makes a big difference in the usability of the mittens!

The hat pattern is mine, based on something I glimpsed in the subway once. Then I decided I wanted to add ear flaps, for which the basic guidelines came from the pattern in Last Minute Knitted Gifts. I am not adding links, because I feel everyone knows about these books and patterns, and because Skid is hovering around me and wants attention.

Finally, I made the first of a series of dishcloths that I plan to give as gifts. Once again, it this is the very well-loved pattern from Mason-Dixon Knitting, which I modified only in changing the size of the dishcloth.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Is no news good news, or just no news?

Clearly, there is nothing that comes to mind for a blog post. I 've been knitting, but no progress photos. I started a brown hat, to go with the brown mittens I made last year and end my matching accessories problems once and for all!

Oh, yes, there is news! I have received my ravelry invitation (I am, of course, ListmakerKat). This place is really fun, like everyone says. I am very impressed by how much can be created on a simple idea of filling a gap.

And, I joined my first ever knitting group, Norovember. It seems that almost everything I knit lately is with this wonderful yarn, so I thought it would be a good idea to 'make it official' and try to finish some of these projects during the next few weeks.

In kitty news, look at the cutie that has become our temporary tenant at the Southern Headquarters! Now he and L have their own little Boys' Club, to balance the Girls' Club up here in the North. He 's cute, but now that he isn't terrified of humans any more, we 're looking for a permanent home for him - the Girls would go on snuggle strike if he joined the family...

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