Oh, yes, there is news! I have received my ravelry invitation (I am, of course, ListmakerKat). This place is really fun, like everyone says. I am very impressed by how much can be created on a simple idea of filling a gap.
And, I joined my first ever knitting group, Norovember. It seems that almost everything I knit lately is with this wonderful yarn, so I thought it would be a good idea to 'make it official' and try to finish some of these projects during the next few weeks.
In kitty news, look at the cutie that has become our temporary tenant at the Southern Headquarters! Now he and L have their own little Boys' Club, to balance the Girls' Club up here in the North. He 's cute, but now that he isn't terrified of humans any more, we 're looking for a permanent home for him - the Girls would go on snuggle strike if he joined the family...

1 comment:
So cute! I want a kitty.... ;_;
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