On top of the list is the last glimpse of fall, in its full glory. Last week's view from hotel during the conference that ate up my time.

I have been very lucky this year, and got to see the foliage over several weekends in four different states, throughout a period of two months. I never think of having a 'favourite season', because I love all seasons with the same passion for different reasons.

I like how fall pleases the senses with vibrant colours, mild temperatures and diffused light. As it is the season I find the hardest to catch some years, I have been obsessed with it this year.

I bought some tea light holders the other day, which ended up on my coffee table.

They like to be lined up in a row and be lit in unison.

Crafting has been happening, but this year I am trying to keep some surprises for the recipients, so no gift posting until after Christmas. (yes, I have already started making things!) So, I 'll stick to posting about snacks for a while -- now that the last storm yesterday seems to have dropped the leaves even in New York. From now on, it's only dramatic silhouettes and bare branches on cloudy skies for the trees.
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