As I don't think I need to wait for January 1 to decide upon improving one or another aspect of my life, New Year's resolutions aren't much different than the rest - only those I may occasionally share. This year, the theme will be simple: be more tidy (heh.. good luck on that!)
I call it 'a theme' because the term 'resolution' somehow feels that if you fail for a day you are free to drop it altogether. Or so it would seem, judging by the fear people seem to have about keeping or not their resolutions. On the contrary, 'theme' rings to me like something to keep in mind, but accept its ups and downs without using downs as an excuse to abandon the plan.
In any case, it will take me more than one try to develop a tidier standard in my life. Many, many more tries, I 'd say! What interests me more, however, is how will this effort change my life on other aspects. Will it enhance my creativity or stifle it? Will it take time away from other things, or free them in an uncluttered world? How far should / can I go with it? Will I EVER have a tidy closet?!

So far, it doesn't look bad. After changing my table-corner decoration with a very old box that was in daily use in my mother's house decades ago, I was looking for something to put in it

It seems the perfect place to keep the yarn tails that I keep obsessively after a project is finished. I have no idea what to do with them yet, but now at least they have a home. I guess the challenge will be to find a use for them. Needle-felting or small embroidery projects, perhaps?

I also discovered that Sunny looks particularly cute on top of the new throw I brought for my knitting sofa

And that spending just a few more seconds of thought before making the decreases on L's latest hat I end up with orderly lines. While making it, I kept thinking of rivers that flow into each other.

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