Saturday, January 31, 2009

OFO (= old finished objects)

Catching up with stuff I finished in December and January - just before the month is over. First of all, the sweater I was making during most of the holidays.

Considering it was knit during chatting and hanging out with my family, i.e. mindless knitting, it turned out good. A bit tight, but not too much. By the time I decided I 'd prefer it a bit looser it was perhaps the 20th time I 'd unraveled it (mindless knitting does have its drawbacks).

The yarn can be a bit itchy, but is also soft to the touch and very warm. I have already worn this sweater to work a lot, and I like it very much. The pattern, or rather guidelines, came from here, and it has been very helpful. Although I didn't quite know what I was doing, following the instructions produced great results.

The process of doing (and undoing) it also taught me a lot about the development of a sweater, knowledge that I put into my next project, the Lettuce Coat (ravelry link) from this book, also an excellent guide to sweater construction. Here's a progress shot, mostly to show off the wonderful yarn I got for Christmas as one of my presents: Malabrigo Merino worsted, kettle dyed.

I also finished a Felicity hat, found here. Great pattern, great yarn: our local Tahki Bunny, which I bought at Northampton - rescued from the bargain bin! It's a great yarn - no itchy forehead! and the hat is warm. I have enough left over to make a pair of matching wristwarmers, I believe.

Last, but not least, here is another one of my Christmas presents I forgot to take photos of. (Model and photos courtesy of the recipient - thanks M!) The yarn is Noro Big Kureyon, and the pattern Evangeline.

They were mostly made in transit - the fate of all portable projects - much of it in the bus to and from MA. It was fall, and the color variations of the yarn matched my view outside the window.

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