Sunday, March 01, 2009

Quick update

Large projects, like the cardigan I have been making for about a month now, made me long for the instant gratification of a few smaller projects. So last week, on my long rides to and from Massachusetts, I started a new pair of luxurious fingerless gloves, which I finished yesterday.

They are luxurious, not just because of the lovely alpaca yarn, but because they are white. Who wears white gloves for practicality? It's a whim, because I couldn't imagine using this yarn for anything else other than something special. So, here's my birthday present to myself.

I also felt inspired and made an ironing board cover out of some IKEA fabric I bought a couple of years ago.

I wasn't planning to, because I had asked and received for Christmas a cheerful cover that I 'd have been very happy with. If only it wasn't for a much smaller board size... sigh!

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