Saturday, January 26, 2008


A good deed may be rewarded in long or short term. Today was one of these moments of unexpected, instant gratification.

I climbed on the loft bed, trying to make a more comfortable bed for Sunny in a box that was laying there. She likes to sit there as it is the highest spot in the entire house. As I was lovingly spreading one of L's t-shirts ;-) , I noticed the back of a paperback book. I could not see the cover, but I was intrigued. I pulled it out, and saw that I was holding that!

... which is the sequel to this, a book I read 2 summers ago.

I loved the images of Tibet through the author's descriptions, it really transported me to my trip to Leh, 5 years ago.

When I was lucky enough to spend a week in great company, and able to take photographs such as this
Tikse Gompa
(I could hear chanting from below, as I was taking this picture)

and this
waiting for flat tire to be fixed
and this...

Tso Moriri

Thank you, Sunny!

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