Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Today after work I met with a friend whose enthusiasm in knitting is inspiring. She is just learning to make socks, and we had a little workshop on short-row heels, my prefered method of making heels. I have tried a flap heel as well, but I have very thin heels and they don't really fit well, so that's what I showed her. If it doesn't work for her, I 'll show her other options (I 'd have to review them first, but that's not a bad thing, is it?).

Although she picked up on wrapping stitches with remarkable ease, she kept getting lost at which stitch to wrap. So I hershowed parts of my own, obsessive (and very detailed) system of marking each and every step of the process. I developed this system about 25 years ago, and it is an essential part of my knitting experience I can't (or do not want to) do without. It is useful for those patterns where 'make two' is mentoned, but I do it for every project, just because.

Snowflakes count for 5, checks for 2: knit and purl

I mean it, EVERY project!

In knitting news, I am almost halfway through the half of the second sleeve on the Beachcomber Tunic (for link, see sidebar), and eager to start the crochet sections.

Also, a while ago I started the ever-so-popular Clapotis, in Noro Kureyon 128. It has been like that for a while, though, as I am now focusing on abovementioned project.

I am following the pattern without any modifications, but for my logging method I have the special assistance of this!

Antique counter, originally used by my mum's uncle, who was a customs officer -I am guessing for the Ottoman government, but I must double-check that. He 'd press the button for every sack that would pass before him. How cool is that!

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